The History of Tile Making
The word “tile” originated as “tegula” in Latin to describe roofing tiles made from baked clay, but the meaning has since been expanded to include any form of flat earthenware used for building or decoration. Tiles have been used throughout history to create artistic murals, cover floors, roofs, and bar tops, and also serve as modern kitchen backsplashes and swimming pool interiors and coping. Anthropological studies indicate that ceramic tiles have been created for more than 4,000 years, serving as artistic and functional elements of human architecture.
The Earliest Tile
The earliest examples of tiles originate in areas such as Egypt, Babylon, and Greece. These early tiles were made individually by sun-baking or firing clay to create a hardened material used for roofing purposes. Tile roofs were superior to thatch in many ways, including durability and resistance to fire and water. The first buildings to incorporate tile roofs were those of great import, such as temples and public meeting places.
Decorative Tile
Glazed ceramic tiles were used throughout antiquity to create patterns and murals on floors, walls, and ceilings. Roman and Islamic mosaics are perhaps some of the most famous examples of such tile usage. In the Middle Ages, decorative tiles were created using a lead or metal oxide glaze, which hardened and became transparent during firing. These decorative tiles were most frequently placed in churches and wealthy manors, rather than poor or middle-class homes.
Modern Tile
Modern-day tiles can be made individually or in large batches, depending upon their purpose. However, the tiles created today still incorporate many of the same materials as the earliest tiles. Decorative tiles are more frequently made by artisans in small or single batches, while manufacturers can create and populate large lines of ceramic tile products.
Today, you can incorporate the timeless beauty of tile into your home with one-of-a-kind custom tile work from Carly Quinn Designs. We offer a wide variety of tile products, including backsplashes, pool tiles, murals, and house numbers.