How Custom Tile Installations Can Liven Up Your Outdoor Space

How Custom Tile Installations Can Liven Up Your Outdoor Space

Ceramic glazed tiles are highly durable to the elements, making them an ideal addition to outdoor design in murals, pool accents, and backyard staircases. If you are looking for a creative way to bring new beauty and life to your outdoor living area, consider these qualities of custom tile installations with handmade tiles from Carly Quinn Designs.

Vibrant colors

Rich reds, yellows, greens, and blues are all common colors found in tile murals, and these colors can create remarkable accents to the natural hues of your residential garden. When decorating outdoors, bright colors will truly pop without the shocking appeal they may have in more tame indoor spaces.

Unique detailing

Tiles can be used in surprising places such as in stairway risers, planter bases, swimming pools, and fountains. With these unexpected details in your space, you will always have something to draw the eye, even with an eclectic landscape design. You might even select just a small handful of different tiles and inlay them with a natural stone or brick walkway for a touch of color and distinctive style.

Landscape centerpieces

For a truly eye-catching feature, you might choose to create a large tile mural that hangs over a spa or pool or serves as a backdrop for an outdoor dining area. The possibilities are nearly endless with custom ceramic tile murals, which might embody southwestern style or use Mediterranean inspiration, depending on the look you want to achieve in your space.
